Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hujung minggu yang menyeronokkan.

Kakak dah register to participate in Suka Ria Astro Ceria a few weeks ago and the event is today. She registered herself, Kak Uda and Anik fo Pakaian Beragam and Telematch. The program starts at 6:30am. So, lepas subuh sepi'e tu, kami pun pergilah ke Bukit Kiara Equastrian park, where the event is to be held. Orang tak lah ramai sangat so we manage a parking space near to the entrance.

Keseluruhannya, to me, the event is not a success (if not a failure). It was not properly organised. Tak ada orang yang explain how the event is supposed to be played - the rule, the procedure, where to start, where to end, what to do, where to gather, etc. The crew was standing around not helping, or rather not knowing what to do. My kids were so frustrated. They are so used to an organised event (especially those organised by Papa, hehe) that they decided to terminate earlier. It was not what they expect when they have to be up by 5:30 in the morning. To compensate their frustration, I promised to take them to Kids Club @ One Utama later that afternoon. Yeay! (Their tricks work on me!)

(Mengantuk!! Do not mistaken the bushes at the back as a real bush. It is a family of participant with 'bush costume' yang ambik bahagian untuk pakaian beragam. Yo yo oh betul!)

(Tengok parent lain, kiasu betul nak bagi anak mereka menang, tapi Anik did it on her own! wooo hoooo!)

So, later that afternoon, after some rest, we (Teh, Kakak, Kak Uda, Anik and I) went to Kids Club. Barulah depa (read: kami) nampak seronok! While waiting, I grab a book at the nearby bookstore, sat at a corner, ordered a basket of fried potato with a cup of hot chocolate and get drowned into my own world.

What a relaxing afternoon. This is the kind of life that I enjoyed so much - take the kids out during weekends, let them play, eat ice cream, shop, read, eat some more, shop some more and do nothing else, stay inside an air-conditioning mall, no cigarette smoke and no pollution. And for this relaxed and enjoyed afternoon, it cost us only RM100. But what is more precious is the time spent with the children and listening to their laughter. Food for every parent's soul!

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