Saturday, March 07, 2009

Life is tons of discipline

It sounds very difficult and unfair. Think. Taking charge of our life requires discipline, yes, tons of it. Sounds like your headmaster giving his preach during school assembly? Think further. Discipline is neither readily attained nor easily maintained. It demands mental stamina to overcome empty passions and faulty habits. Emm... make sense? It also requires the fortitude and determination to resist the pull of so many temptations. And more than anything else, it demands a relentless focus on what matters most.It requires concentration until the goal line is crossed and the objective is achieved. I used to perceived discipline as the absence of freedom, especially during my younger days. However, I pushed myself forward knowing that I am the only one who must take control of my life, of what I want to be. It also requires luck (and rotan by my parents, once in a while. he he) to keep myself in between the discipline lines, lucky that I did not involved with 'things indiscipline'. As time passed by, I realised that discipline is infact, is the source of freedom. It's a kind of order that sets me free to fly (heard about this phrase, but couldn't remember from where). I can fly high. Everybody could. But the things that held us up to do so, is the absence of discipline. We need tons of it! I know I do!

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