Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In approaching Aidil Fitri

Today is 26 Ramadhan. The Ramadhan of this year brings a lot of personal meaning to me. A month full of challenges and yet full of Allah's bounty. Alhamdulillah, at Amir-Husin, we share some of the fruits we planted by distributing an interim bonus to all qualified staff. Yes, praise to Allah, despite some glitches in general world economy, we relished. All this is happening because of hard work and perseverance performance by all Amir-Husiners. We also enjoy RM500 Duit Raya, each and everyone of us. It comes from the bottom of my heart. It is satisfying to see smiles and happiness on faces of people that you love. I love all my people. It breaks my heart when I see their struggles and difficulties in fulfilling their tasks. And the satisfaction to be able to give something back to them is indescribable, only God knows.

26 Ramadhan - 25 days without cigarette. This is the best so far. I am determined to push further. For me and for my children.

But, Ramadhan is not without sorrow. It reminds me of some friends that used to share some part of my life. Wherever you are, peace be upon you.

Well, Aidil Fitri is around the corner. I am taking this opportunity to wish all Amir-Husiners and fellow friends a very happy Eid. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Drive carefully, see you again after Raya with new semangat. God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. wow! you each got rm500! I wish someone would like to give me that amount of money.SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!
    (U KNOW ME)
