Saturday, February 07, 2009

Kitorang makan orang!

I have many friends – close and not so close. My approach in friendship is very simple. I do unto others as I want others do unto me. It is a simple concept of balancing. For every debit, there must be a credit, if not your Balance Sheet won’t get balance. That is not only an accounting equation thought to me by Autar Singh, it is very much applicable to our normal life, especially when friendship is concern. However, the ‘do unto others’ concept shall also be read as ‘do unto others as others do unto you’. Then, the equation is in a full cycle. I cannot be an apologetic much all the time. I will stand to my own pride (doesn’t matter I am right or wrong) most of the time. I am hard-headed person.  I can afford to take ‘wouldn’t care less’ approach if I want to. I am also a rebellious type whom will do the unthinkable to shoot back. It hurts a lot, cuts both ways. (Sometimes, I am the one who was cut deepest). Those who are not so good is being eliminated along the process. Emmm... I am also being eliminated from their list! Its fair and square. I guess, that is why I only have good friends.

Kitorang tak kacau orang, tapi kalau orang kacau kitorang, kitorang makan orang! - Usop Sontorian

p/s today, I eliminated 64 (out of 1023) numbers (and names) from my Nokia’s phone book as part of housekeeping process. 

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