I also took CNY holiday (school break for 10 days) to be with my children. Memang best giler. Dah lama tak lepak dengan anak-anak. I use to see them playing Rockband 2, look interesting but never had a chance to join. So, CNY holiday is the time. Baru mereka tahu siapa Papa mereka! Ex-Rocker 80an. Rock kapak. :-). I scored 97% on drum Expert Level and 232 longest streak for Livin' on the Prayer - Bon Jovi. (tak kisahlah walaupun level of difficulties drum tu cuma 0, but still...it is on expert level!) So, it was jamming session everyday from 9 - 11 pm. (err... sometimes until 2 in the morning. errrr... sometime starting from 3 pm. err... ok..ok... most of the time!) To those yang ada Rockband 2, search our team - 32LRK2 - online. Long usually on guitar (I'll beat you on perfect solo next time!), Ngah like a pro on drum, Teh singing and drum, Kakak singing, drum and bass, Kak Uda on drum (should see her drumming - she makes it look so simple), Anek singing and me - Papa Rock - on drum! Wooohoooo!

Another thing, every night during CNY, my youngest daughter, Anek, sleep with me! Wooohooo! Eventhough she regularly sleeps with me, but she already slept when I came home. I can smell her nice fruity smell hair. I can play with her silky soft hands. I can pat-pat on her back before she gets to sleep. I can tell her favourite bedtime stories - Intan. He he. (After this, Intan will go blind, lepas tu kan....)
Tapi, Ngah and Long tak sihat during CNY. At the same time, their tuition classes going on as usual. Kak Uda pulak kena demam campak, after kakak had it a week before. So, banyak program yang dah dibuat terpaksa cancel. (Nak duduk kampong lama-lama. Nak pegi Melaka for holiday. Etc etc)
January is over. My new hair look starts to get noticed. Fadzli influence me to keep this style. Abg Mamu said I lost my 'macho'ness. He he. My son said I look like a "Pak Cik pakai kain pelikat, datang batuk-batuk, nak join jamming". My daughters like it. Ibrahim (my barber) has come back after his long 2 months holiday. He has his first touch to my hair yesterday, trimming the unnecessaries. But most importantly, I feel good with myself. Below is my new look (after get trimmed by Ibrahim yesterday) My niece, Ene, is getting married soon. Keazaman berlipat kali ganda nak simpan rambut lain sikit masa wedding. He he.

So.. this is the face of the arrogant man who made insensitive & harsh comments on EJawi. I'm a regular there & used it mostly to convert roman writings to Jawi.
ReplyDeleteI bet you had made an important contribution to mankind that gave impact to the whole world (yeah..yeah..blah blah). Or else you wouldn't be holding yourself in so high a place.
well.. the empty cans make the loudest noise.
Thank you Nina. You better believe if I say I know many things. :-) Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAmir, I read your comment kat EJawi tu. Macam tu pun anonymous kata 'insensitive and harsh' ke? He he. He/she don't know you! BTW, this is my first comment here after following your cerita-cerita from the beginning. Its refreshing to read the 'non-political' side of you. All the best, boss!
ReplyDeleteAmir, I read your comment kat EJawi tu. Macam tu pun anonymous kata 'insensitive and harsh' ke? He he. He/she don't know you! BTW, this is my first comment here after following your cerita-cerita from the beginning. Its refreshing to read the 'non-political' side of you. All the best, boss!
ReplyDeleteJamal, manusia bukan semua sama. Perbezaan upbringing, tahap pendidikan, tahap ekonomi, persekitaran, genetik dan banyak faktor lain yang membuatkan setiap manusia berbeza. Yang paling penting, kita sentiasa berfikiran terbuka dan berfikiran positif. Pasal 'non-polical' side of me tu, hehe, blog ni lebih pada my family activity, personal feeling, kawan-kawan dan perkara-perkara yang ringan-ringan sahaja. Dah jelak dengan permainan politik Malaysia.