1. I lost the credit card in Mumbai sometime back in February 2008
2. Reported it immediately from Mumbai, the call back home to the credit card centre cost me RM180 (talking time is 2 minute, the rest is for waiting time)
3. Transferred all outstanding balance of about RM430 to another card from the same bank.
4. Now, the lost card is reported, instruct to cancel the card (since I have transferred all outstanding to another card) and don't want replacement when the bank offered.
5. Fine and well from February 2008. No credit worry. No Credit Card Statement in the mailbox.
6. In October, bank call said I have RM4,800 outstanding balance. I explained that I have canceled the card in February. Explanation 'seemed' to be understood.
7. In December, legal department of the bank called. Saying I have an outstanding amount of RM9,000 to be settled. I re-explain about the situation, that I have canceled the card in February, I haven't heard anything about the account until October, contesting why the bank honor unauthorised charges and seeking their help to fax me what are the things I 'spent' on! The officer promised to call me back in 30 minutes, but never heard of him again.
8. Friday 6 February 2009, 11:30am : ring ring goes my handphone
Me: Hello
She: Amiruddin, saya Minsha dari legal department HLB. Awak tak bayar dah RM9,000 ni. Akaun awak dah tertunggak lama. Kalau awak tak bayar sebelum Selasa depan, akaun awak saya akan pass ke collection agency dan legal action akan start.
Me: (Cilaka gampang punya budak. Kurang hajar. Tak reti bahasa. Dahlah main terjah aja, panggil pun Amiruddin aja. If my name is Lim Chong Sia, will she call me Lim on the first instance or will she address me as Mr. Lim? Ba*i betul) Boleh tak you tolong check dulu akaun saya dan trace all the report yang saya dah buat. Saya dah report lost dah card ni, Februari 2008 lagi. Statement pun saya tak pernah dapat dah. Benda ni saya dah cakap kat officer you yang call saya haritu. Lagipun, kan all your call in is being recorded. Boleh tak you check dulu your fact sebelum terjah I macam tu?
She: Tapi Amiruddin, akaun awak dah tertunggak.
Kalau awak tak mampu bayar semua, awak bayar lah RM280 dulu.Me: (she is challenging me, challenging my pride, she got my weakest point..da*n) Bukan masalah mampu tak mampu. Masalahnya, I have disputed the account on the first occassion. Then again, you people did not act anything on it that the account was again being charged in November. Bla...Bla...Bla... Lain kali kalau nak cakap, get your facts right. You from legal department?
She: Yes
Me; You keja kat situ jadi klak (clerk) ke, manager ke, atau lawyer kat situ?
She: Saya officer.
Me: Then ask your Manager to speak to me! Itupun kalau his IQ is more than 110.
She: Tapi En. Amiruddin, akaun ni dah nak keluar surat saman. En. Amiruddin kena settlekan cepat.
Me; (hmmm... now you call me En. Amiruddin!)
The rest is just between the bank and I. Minsha, (dan yang seangkatan dengannya) lain kali cakap baik sikit. Kita orang Melayu, kaya dengan budi bahasa. dan kita orang Melayu, kaya juga dengan kata keji. You can find me the extreme of those twos. Awak berbudi bahasa dengan saya, saya sepuluh kali berbudi bahasa dengan awak. Awak berkata keji, saya sepuluh kali lagi keji. Jadi, berhati-hati! Kesian kat awak, kena free-free aja dengan saya.