The above image I posted in my facebook creates quiet a curiosity among my friends. Ada yg sampai call tanya apa dah jadi and etc. Tak larat nak jawab satu persatu, I posted the situation kat sini.
Kes berkenaan dengan my hire purchase loan with MBf Finance in 1996. I drove a Proton Saga 1.5i kaler merun masa tu, auto lagi. Nombor pendaftaran RC 373. He he. At that time, anak nak masuk 3 orang and I can feel that I will need a bigger car. Nak beli Toyota Estima, tak mampu, so belilah Toyota Premio. Toyota jugak! So, ambik loan dengan MBf Finance. Masa tu my good friend Ms. Beh yang jadi Branch Manager kat Alor Star, so, ambik loan from her branch. Since I like the old car number so much, I requested to maintain the number to my new van. So, the old car will get the new number, that is RD 272. Segala urusan pendaftaran diuruskan oleh finance company. So, I was driving a brand new Toyota Premio 1.8 kaler terkois (hijau taik kerbau!). Kereta lama bertukar tangan kepada my brother and later sold to other people. Yusman yang tolong drivekan kereta ni balik ke Kuala Pilah masa tu. Focus on the number - now the old car is RD 272 and the new van is RC 373. Installment was paid via 1 year post dated cheque to be kept by the finance company.
That was in 1996. Fine and good until year 2000. Lepas post dated cheque dah habis kat finance company after a year, I pay the loan through cheque posted snail mail to them. Tahun tahun mcm tu, pos surat ni biasa lagi, tak macam la, my children do not know what is a post office! Ok, back to my story. One day, jeng..jeng...jeng... a branch manager of MBf Finance kat one branch in Johor call me, tanya why am I paying to someone else's car? I said no, I am paying to my RC 373. He said no, I was paying to RD 272's account, and that RD 272 belongs to someone by the name of .... kita introduce sebagai Mr. John Doe sahaja di sini. I pun tak tau how this manager can trace this payment. I pun apa lagi, monkey surprise lah I tell you! So, meaning entah sejak bila I was paying for someones else's car! The good manager promise to investigate the matter. So, times goes by. I pun dah stop bayar to that finance company (apa lagi...ambik kesempatan lah...) Tak lama lepas tu, MBf Finance was taken over by Arab-Malaysian Group, jadi AMFinance. Pernah dua kali van nak kena tarik by the reposessor tapi entah kenapa, after explaining to them and them checking with whoever I don't know, depa tak jadik tarik. So the situation was like, wah.... macam nak dapat kereta free nih! He he.
Tiba-tiba, tup tup, in August 2005, masa nak pegi withdraw duit from Maybank ATM, the card was decline. Tried few tellers from different outlet and different banks (pakai MEPS), masih decline. Heran bin ajaib sebab duit baru masuk, banyak jugek lah. Hehe. Masa tu kat kampong. I call the Maybank customer service, tapi macam biasalah, hampeh tak berjawab. (Sampai sekarang, Maybank masih macam hampeh lagi. CIMB Click cuma charge RM1 for interbank Giro transfer. M2U charge RM2. Korang kalau ada option, pakai CIMB aja)So, bila balik KL, I pun call lah ke Maybank, tanya what happen to my card. Sekali, bila dia kata my account was frozen sebab ada bankruptcy case, terus pucat gigi...
Actually, that bankruptcy notice was served to me in February 2005 but I did not received it as they were posted to my old address. Mungkin my neighbour masa tu, En. Nazri tahu tapi he cannot contact me. The Maybank Officer gave the reference and bila advertised dalam paper. Kelam kabut cari old paper, nasib baiklah jumpa jugak. Baru tahu rupanya I was almost a bankrupt. When I knew it, the mentioned date was already very near. Masa tulah mintak pandangan dari Lawyer Halim kat Kangaq, tanya pendapat dan apa nak buat, maklumlah, tak pernah bercita-cita nak jadi bengkrap ni, so tak ada persediaan langsung. Dengan bekalan nasihat dari Halim, I went to AmFinance and present my case. Ceritalah semua yang terjadi dari mula beli kereta tu, tukar nombor pendaftaran sampailah cerita the branch manager spotted the irregularities. Officer tu pun pening kepala. My contest is that the finance company cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that I defaulted in my payment. Masa negotiation ni, it was already end of August 2005. Gedebak gedebuk, I pun tak nak panjangkan cerita (sebab memang I tak bayar finance sejak tahun 2000 pun, itu kena jujur diakui) kami pun agree to a certain reasonable amount that I have to pay to settle the case. I think it was a win-win situation and I paid the whole amount. Case was close in September 2005. Release letter pun dikeluarkan. Tapi yang hangin satu badan, rekod dalam CTOS masih ada sampai sekarang.
So, kengkawan, that posting kat fesbuk tu dibuat masa kemas-kemas office. The paper cutting of that notice was pasted on a white board in my office, sebagai peringatan supaya berhemah dan berhati-hati dalam menjalankan urusan perniagaan. It was there since August 2005. I was thinking to archive it somewhere and FB is the best place. Terima kasihlah atas kerisauan kengkawan semua..... Perkara ni dah selesai... I hope I answered to you all punya curiosity.
How true as my guess?That's why I asked that Q.Anyway, thanks bro for the verbosity explanation,Lesson learnt for all of us