Anek (adik, but she pronounce it Anek when she was small) is not so quiet as her name should meant - Nurul Najihah Najwa (pronounciation in Arabic should be Nuurun naajihatun najwa). Quite argumentative especially with the elder sisters because she knows the sisters will always give in. Being the youngest of the siblings doesn't mean she is the pet of the family (emmmm Fuzzy is! He he) She was born with G6PD deficiency, sama dengan Ngah - one of the reason why the brothers and sisters are so concern about her. I guess she must be very lucky being the youngest in the family - enjoy the don't-wants of the elders (a nicer term of trashes, comprises of old yellowish suppose-to-be-white dress, loose pyjama bottom that she got to roll at the waist, headless Barbie dolls, torn Barney then hand-stitched by Papa, used story books with missing pages)
So, the party was giler cool! Managed by The Power of Play for Kids team of Bang Long and Friends.
This picture taken on Anek's actual birthday we celebrated at home earlier.

With some of friends during Pool Party.

Special appearance of Cikgu Ganesan and Cikgu Rasul - two of the favourite teachers of my daughters.

And specially flown down from Penang, Marsha and Baby Najwa.

Event was managed by POP Team Bang Long and Friends. Tu yang best bila dah ada anak bujang, he can take over for events like this, and he managed it very well! Thank you to Yusof, Daniel and Fariz too for being very efficient. Nanti boleh kerja dengan Uncle!
And the birthday song (candle tertinggal kat rumah, so Long terpaksa guna lighter aja)
Happy Birthday darling! Papa loves you!
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