Suasana kampong sangat mendamaikan. I don't think there is any other kampong that is so damai and nyaman. Mak was not at home when we arrived. She was at a kenduri at a house nearby. Eventhough she canot do much at the kenduri, tapi she is a compulsory figure for every kenduri at my kampong. Lepas my father passed away, the kampong people turn to her for advise, and she never fails to deliver. Since Mak is not at home, we cannot enter the house. Tapi...jeng...jeng...jeng... hey, I lived in this house before, remember? I go around to see if my secret path is still there, holy crap! It is! LOL! After sooooo many years, I again became that cute little naughty boy, sneeking into the house using my secret path. So, when Mak's home, she did not surprised AT ALL! She knows me very well. She always say I will find my own way to get myself into anything I want. Malam tu, we watched Akademi Fantasia 7 with Mak. (Hafiz Rocks!)
The next day was cleaning up day. (read: pembakaran terbuka) I get all the children to gotong royong cleaning up the compound of mak's house. It was tiring but fun! I took the opportunity to show my children around (for the umpteenth times, hehe!). I showed them the coconut tree I grow together with my late father. (There are three trees, one each for my younger brothers Chu and Icam, and one for me. Apak cakap sebagai tanda that the kampong also belongs to me) I showed my favourite mangosteen tree where I will climbed and spent many afternoons there reading (on the tree!)

It was a trip worth while. I got to spend quality time with Mak. We chatted until late. And oh... I present her with a few combs made of buffalo horn, I ordered from my staff who went back to Padang, Sumatera for his holiday. She had wanted it for quiet sometimes. And the bestest (hehe) thing is that she cooked me (err... my wife cooked using my mum's kitchen) my favourite lauk - Telur Itik Pucuk Ubi Masak Lemak Cili Padi! Masyaallah!
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