Our latest family photo, to welcome 2009 and on Ngah's birthday.
Me - have a long list of ambition during school days - a pilot (fare my Physic badly during SPM), a police officer (errr... why is this traffic light still merah? honk honk from the car behind. oops, its alreadey green. Blame it on the gene carried in my X chromosome). Bang Teh - got the body from Ibu Chik, got the kememe from me. hehe. Bang Long - self proclaim metro, who spend 20 minutes before school every day to gel up his 'bachang kulum dek kobau' hair. Bang Ngah - a wizz, trying to be the youngest Law Of Attraction Trainer in the world. Mama - a full time home maker, driving around with an expired driving license. Kakak - my eldest kangkung, eying to go to Masterskill College for her study in medicine but wanted to be a farmer when she grows up. Kak Uda (front row, most left) - my very talented kangkung, second in her school in Best Hand Writing while she was in Primary 2, very calm and patient (I notice she swallows her tears whenever she is sad, but tears-come-out-alot-very-fast-one when I am the tutor). Anik - oh my little cute kangkung, talkative despite the name is Najwa (which means whisper is Arabic), so cute that the school bag is bigger than she is.
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